AZTR Patch & sticker ordering. *Available to all current and past finishers*

Stickers are $1 ea, Patches are $5 ea. Limited Edition AZT Ti Stemcaps are via donation. Whatever you feel it’s worth to you. How to pay? Some options.
- Venmo: @John-Schilling-46
- Cash app: $Schillingsworth
- Facebook Pay
- Paypal: **Please use ‘Friends & Family’ otherwise PayPal charges a fee. Thx.
I’ll keep a running spreadsheet going to keep tabs on everyone’s orders, payments received and orders shipped.
Monies generated will go towards future patch/sticker orders and ATA donations for rollover gates. Who doesn’t want that?
Approximate size of patches are: 3 1/4″ wide by 2 1/2″ high. Stickers are approx: 2 1/2″ wide by 2″ high.**PLEASE SHARE with those not on social media that may be interested. Thank you.
Thank you for the interest, ride stoke and patience during this process. Once again a HUGE heartfelt thank you to Shannon (shannon ‘at’ shannondesign ‘dot’ com) for all her assistance. If you need a graphic designer, hire her!!
Other AZTR Swag items are available online: (pint glasses, mugs, tees, etc), (Elevation profile posters, stickers, etc. Click on ‘shop all products’ below the image to see all options available), (Digital elevation profile downloads) has a few AZTR specific tees & tanks available
One of Seven Project also has an AZTR tee available
AZTR laser cut coasters and wooden plaques are available on Etsy, with $5 of each sale donated back to the ATA!!